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Things You Need to Know About IUGR

IUGR (Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction) is a condition when fetal growth in the womb is stunted. IUGR is characterized by the size and low birth weight of the baby. This condition can make the baby weaker and vulnerable to some health problems. The fetus in the womb will experience growth and development as the age of the mother's womb increases. Most babies have a low size and weight when they are born too fast (premature birth). However, sometimes babies can also have a low size and weight even though they are born full term. This condition is called the IUGR.

Causes of Fetus Having IUGR

Many factors can trigger stunted fetal growth in the womb. However, this condition generally occurs due to interference with the placenta. A placenta that is not functioning properly will inhibit the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, causing the fetus to fail to develop. In addition to problems with the placenta, there are many other conditions that can cause a baby to experience an IUGR, namely:
  • Genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome.
  • Impaired fetal organ formation or congenital abnormalities.
  • Low maternal weight, for example due to malnutrition during pregnancy.
  • Mothers have disorders in certain organs, such as the heart, kidneys, and lungs.
  • Complications during pregnancy, such as preeclampsia.
  • Infections during pregnancy, such as rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, and syphilis.
  • History of maternal illness, such as anemia, autoimmune diseases, asthma and antiphospholipid syndrome.
  • Twin pregnancy, especially in fetuses who experience Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS).
  • Small amount of amniotic fluid or oligohydramnios.
In addition to some of the above medical conditions, babies can also experience IUGR if during pregnancy the mother is often exhausted, experiencing severe stress, or has an unhealthy lifestyle during pregnancy, such as smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages, and using drugs.

Ways to Know Fetal Growth and Development

IUGR conditions experienced by the fetus often do not show any symptoms. During pregnancy, the mother may not feel any disturbing symptoms or complaints, so she is not aware that the fetus has an IUGR. That is why, the condition of the fetus needs to be monitored regularly by conducting routine obstetrical checks to the doctor. When doing the examination, the doctor will monitor the condition of the fetus in the womb with an ultrasound examination. If the results of an ultrasound examination show signs of a suspected IUGR, the doctor may perform another examination, for example an analysis of amniotic fluid (amniocentesis).

Steps for Handling IUGR

There is no specific treatment that can be sought to treat IUGR, especially if this condition is detected too late. Therefore, it is important to take precautionary measures since the fetus is still in the womb. However, there are several treatment steps that can be sought by doctors to deal with IUGR:

Fetal monitoring is more stringent

Generally, if this condition is detected early, your doctor may recommend more frequent uterine examinations to see if there is an increase in body weight and growth of the fetus in the womb. If the fetus still does not grow properly, the doctor may suggest anticipatory steps by preparing the mother to give birth faster. The doctor will determine whether labor should be by Caesarean or normal.

Pay attention to fetal movements

A fetus that has an IUGR has a higher risk of dying in the womb. Therefore, the doctor will advise pregnant women with fetuses who are IUGR to more regularly pay attention to fetal movements. If fetal movement is slowed or does not move at all within a few hours, the pregnant woman needs to immediately see a gynecologist to check the condition of the fetus.

Live a healthy lifestyle

If pregnant women are often fatigued, stressed, or have unhealthy living habits, the doctor will suggest that these be stopped immediately. To prevent IUGR, pregnant women must get adequate rest, avoid severe stress, and consume nutritious food and pregnancy supplements that doctors prescribe. To ensure the condition of the fetus in the womb is always healthy and grows according to gestational age, pregnant women are advised to routinely carry out control to the obstetrician. If this condition is detected early, the doctor can provide help as soon as possible in the hope that the fetus can grow normally. However, if an IUGR is detected too late, it will be increasingly difficult to handle, because the baby may have complications and the condition also tends to be weaker. IUGR babies usually need treatment at the NICU after birth, until their condition is stable and their weight gain.


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